Thursday, April 23, 2009


Realize that you can only do one thing at a time. It helps to distinguish between important and
urgent things – learn to prioritize. You need to adopt a new attitude and approach to your life.
You must realize that your own wellbeing is just as important. You need to spring clean your life
and adopt a new interest in your own wellbeing, let go of the old and start anew with a clear head
through prayer and meditation. Give yourself some quality time and attention because it is crucial
that you make some personal time available on a regular basis. You need to strive for a balanced
life. A balanced life is a happy and stable life. If something is not balanced, it lacks synergy that
is necessary to make it function smoothly and efficiently. If your life is not balanced, you may
find it falling apart around you. In the same way, if you concentrate too much on any one area of
your life, you will neglect other important areas of your life such as your health. You really must
work at getting the balance right. Pray and meditate daily. Ask through prayer and meditation
and remember to release everything to the universe.

Justice Mandhla is the author of four books.

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Persistence is the Mother of all Success

Read books. All successful people I know read books. It’s their curiosity that drives them to read.
They constantly seek new ways to become better. They listen to inspirational and educational
audio CDs that feed them with the right thoughts in specific areas. They pray and meditate. Make
sure you spend much of your time in the presence of quality people who are strong in the areas
that you are weak in. One thing that you have to do daily is to ask yourself, “What is it that I want
to achieve and where do I want to go?” Day by day you will get closer and closer to your own
personal goals. Will it be easy? No! It will be difficult. It will be challenging. Keep going, even if
it does not seem to be making much of a difference during the first few months. If the dream is
big enough the problems really do not matter. In fact, as you begin to renew your mind, the first
thing that you may experience is a feeling of resistance from your old way of thinking. Keep the
moment up and your old thought patterns will begin to lose their grip. Soon you will begin to see
a chain reaction of outward benefits because the process of inner- change is always followed by
results in an outward expression. You will meet the right people and discover the right
opportunities, you may even start to see opportunities that were right in front of you all along.
Promise your self you will never give up.

Justice Mandhla is the author of What they did not teach you in school: Life Long Learning Tips to land a job straight out of school and he spends a great deal of his full-time writing day researching and writing about job search strategies.
See more at


You can also fast track your goal achievement by using the combination of visualization and
affirmations. Affirmations are simple statements repeated to yourself silently or aloud. They are
used in spiritual prayers and mantras. Now they are being used by all people from all walks of life
to improve their lives. They can be performed any where and at any time. Affirmations influence
thoughts that support your goals. Be careful however, not to become an “armchair affirmations
narrator” as taking no action while narrating affirmations hoping for the miracle to happen will
yield zero results. You have to narrate your affirmations based on your set goals, vision and a
written plan. Ensure that your affirmations are short and positive. Never use affirmations that
begin with any negative words such as I don’t want … it’s impossible to…, use instead, positive
affirmations such as I can do this… I am calm… I will succeed… I am organized. Affirmations
can be repeated several minutes in the morning and just before going to sleep.

Justice Mandhla is the author of What they did not teach you in school: Life Long Learning Tips to land a job straight out of school and he spends a great deal of his full-time writing day researching and writing about job search strategies.
See more at


To speed up your goal attainment why don’t you use the power of your mind; it’s easy and it’s
fun. It’s like day dreaming. Visualize what you want.
Visualization is using your imagination to see yourself in a situation that has not happened and
seeing yourself achieving that which you want. Top athletes use visualization as part of their
training programme to achieve top performance. For a successful visualization, always visualize
your goal as if it is happening now, make it real in your mind, and make it detailed. Visualize for
three minutes at least twice a day in the evening just before you sleep and in the morning after
waking up. Remember this equation as you visualize: I X V = R.
Where I stand for Imagination, X for Combined With, V for Vividness, = for Creates and R
for Reality.
“Imagination Combined with Vividness Creates Reality.”
Your mind creates your reality because success is all in the mind.
Do not accept a life of mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within the fortress of
your mind. Tap into your greatness. It is your birth right.

Justice Mandhla is the author of What they did not teach you in school: Life Long Learning Tips to land a job straight out of school and he spends a great deal of his full-time writing day researching and writing about job search strategies.
See more at

Focus On Your Strengths & Succeed

Focus is the ability to concentrate all your energies and resources on a specific matter where you
have the greatest chance of success in the shortest space of time. Identify one area in your life in
which you perform well. A skill, talent or hobby that you know or you are told by other people
you do well. Make a plan to get better in that one skill area. Forget your weaknesses develop and
focus your skills and work on them every day and remember that your success will be in direct
proportion to the effort that you put into your skill area. Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning and become the student for life. Life long learning in this report does not confine itself to reading
books but it includes all types of learning and development, training and practice or any other
activities that you may be involved in. When you develop your skills and focus single-mindedly
on them you will achieve anything that you want in life. Your vision and goals have to be clear in
every detail in order for you to focus on them. When you hold a magnifying glass at a certain
angle that focuses the sun’s rays onto the leaf, what happens? The leaf catches the fire and burns. That’s the power of focus. That’s the power you have at your command when you learn to focus your ideas and intentions.

Justice Mandhla is the author of What they did not teach you in school: Life Long Learning Tips to land a job straight out of school and he spends a great deal of his full-time writing day researching and writing about job search strategies.
See more at

Friday, April 17, 2009

Commitment is an Essential Ingredient to Success

While you are reading this report, you may think that you lack education and you do not even
know your skills or that you are not gifted like other people. Don’t worry, because most people start off with very few advantages in life. In fact most successful people started with nothing and did something about their lives. All what is required of you is follow through on your commitment to your project, a promise that you have made for your self, what ever it is. Stop procrastinating and learn how to handle complacency by getting out of your comfort zone and start doing things you have never done before. Most people start, try and fail at a lot of things
before they find the right situation for their talents and abilities. Avoid low- flying people and surround yourself with successful people. Everything you will ever achieve you are going to have to do yourself by learning from those who have travelled the road. No one will do it for you. You will have to do it yourself. Ignore discovering that great idea some day and keep learning and growing, trying many things, concentrating on that vision and you will eventually succeed.
Remember that opportunities are like a football in a football game. If you don’t run to kick the ball, it just lies there and has no effect on the score. To succeed in life, you need to be committed and to take action and never give in.

Justice Mandhla is the author of What they did not teach you in school: Life Long Learning Tips to land a job straight out of school and he spends a great deal of his full-time writing day researching and writing about job search strategies.
See more at

Changing LINKS

Belief Make Things Happen

I talked a little bit about how you can create a burning desire and mentioned that it is the benefits that you will enjoy that will motivate you to take action and to keep you going towards the realization of your goals. The missing ingredient in the above statement is belief. No amount of effort on your part will assure your success, not even luck will work without belief. You see belief makes things happen. Similarly, it does not matter how much faith, trusting and belief you have, if you do not take action or make any conscious effort to achieve whatever you want,
nothing will happen or change in your life. Belief has to be complemented by action and effort towards the attainment of your goals. Take action, make preparations for what you want to achieve, make phone calls, prepare a business plan, research, visit your bank manager or interview relevant successful people. Do something towards the direction of the goal you want to achieve. Remember nothing will happen until you take action. Sometimes success can seem hard to find. There are things that keep us from moving forward in a positive way. It is not that you don’t work hard. It is not always due to lack of energy or enthusiasm either. It is the way we see the world and ourselves in it. It is all about self-belief and making sure your beliefs are based in your own reality. Your beliefs could be holding you back, why don’t you kick-start your belief changing system by replacing the following barriers from
your life: hate, jealousy, anger, judgmental with the following; Forgiveness, Acceptance and Love. If you cannot forgive a person no matter what a person has done you may be blocking all good things that you deserve. You have to accept people for what they are, as they are, accepting events especially bad events that may have happened in the past and accepting situations and circumstances that you cannot change. Love is most probably the most important principle of all. Nothing in the world is more powerful than love. Belief creates your life. Faith is believing in things that you have not yet seen to the point that you act on them until they come into being. It is through faith that people experience personal growth and success. Faith is active belief. It is belief mixed with expectation and action. Have you ever
expected to fail in some project and you failed? You tell yourself there is no use going on with the project, you are doubtful, but you decide to give it a try. When you do not succeed, you confirm your belief by saying, “just as I expected.”
That is faith.

Justice Mandhla is the author of What they did not teach you in school: Life Long Learning Tips to land a job straight out of school and he spends a great deal of his full-time writing day researching and writing about job search strategies.
See more at